What we will achieve: To exchange ideas, cultures, skills, perspectives.

We will focus on intimacy in public space to create comfort.

Through the few days of exploration, we will have a different perspective on the world and the situation around us.  




For day 1, we met as a big table of 6 inside the KX library, for the whole morning we carried out a small meeting to discuss what exactly what we want to do for our commune project, we discussed on topics of identity, race, culture, art, activism, leaving ones home. We noticed that all of us are not from London locally, as for that, we decided to stay in London and explore areas of London like a tourist. Not only because of that, all of us, since college has started we have only traveled from point A to B every day, we never had the chance to actually explore London properly. Due to the large number of people we had in this group, a total of 5 group members, we wanted to start the commune days earlier and carry it out throughout the two weeks. We met as a group and decided to make each day during the commune day dedicated to one group member. We have all agreed on to learn each other's skills and exchange them among us, we will also listen to whatever they want to say for their unit 7 project.

During lunchtime, we shared a meal and talked about how food can represent our culture and after we also explored our surroundings. It is very interesting how having a meal together can bring our group closer together, with so many things we want to open up ourselves to each other. 

Just before the day ended we went back to the library and talked about what we have learned from each other and what we can change for day 2 of the commune. We realized sometimes when it gets quiet during a discussion, one person would pick up their phone and exclude themselves from the awkward silence, and that is how we came up with the no phone rule. 



Today's main goal of the meeting was not only to complete our manifesto but to also carry out another commune day. In the morning we got to explore more of what KX has to offer, everyone had an hour to talk about themselves while the rest are listeners. This is a skill that I took out from the group, we had 3 group members that were fantastic listeners and the other 2 considering myself, is more of a talker. I exchanged this skill with the listeners and started to become the listener and less of a talker. Exchanging this skill was a lot harder than I would have thought, spending and hour not focusing on what I have to say but give advice and listen to what my group has to say. 

I think we have finalized what our commune group is really all about; through the manifesto, to exchange to colive, connect and collect. A simple way to summarize what our group has been doing and how we want to improve for the next day. The idea of exchanging our skills with each other and using this time to learn off from each other.  

Marina Abramović e Ulay - MoMA 2010

Marina Abramović e Ulay - MoMA 2010


  • It is so incredible how silence can bring the connection between people, Marina Abramović has brought the power of exchanging into the context of the community.  
  • Normally, when people are grouped together it is a natural habit to start a communication between each other and socializing on their phones but to sit face to face to each other and not talk seems unnatural and strange. Marina Abramović has switched roles, and by watching this performance piece it makes me emotional. It feels like it creates more connection between people, just through staring at each other's soul in silence. 

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS0Tg0IjCp4



We planned on having a picnic in the park, but the plan was soon changed due to the freezing weather. We found a cafe near the park, and we spend most of our time in this cafe. Sticking to our rule with no phones at the table, we ended up having drinks and talking about topics that we normally wouldn't talk about in class. The topic that we mostly talked about together was food addiction and how comfort food is actually affecting our health and body. We then went on to analyze how the different ways of eating could showcase our respected culture, through the utensils we use to the order of how we eat. The topic then changed on to talking about boys, and on to sharing our most embarrassing moments as well as our darkest secrets. By simply opening ourselves up to each other, made us feel closer and how common/different we actually are. 

We tried our very best to avoid conversation we normally talk about in class and try to talk about subjects that we wouldn't talk about when we see each other. It felt really good to not only open up to each other but also finally getting the chance to actually get to know each other. After today, I realized how excited I am for day 3 of the commune. 



Spontaneously deciding to spend our day at Covent Graden, a location that I rarely go to. Using the phone tool as only a tool for documenting and not communicating, we decided to randomly walk around Covent Garden to find a restaurant to dine in. It was more difficult than it actually sounds because it was too cold and every restaurant seemed like a good option. As a group together, we don't have a particular leader, so when it comes to making decisions everyone is very considerate of each other. This sometimes is a good thing and sometimes is a bad thing, we decided not to choose a leader because the leader is whomever that day is with. 

As today was my day, I talked about my ideas for my unit 7 and try to ask my group for some advice, letting me in on their own culture and how they have felt when they are being stereotyped. We also discussed our deepest and darkest secrets which made the conversation a bit more fun and joyful. We pretty much covered whatever topic to talk about in our minds, and sometimes there are awkward silences, but I realized that there will always be someone that will speak up to break the silence. 

This commune group became not only for the purpose of the project but we have decided at the end of the day to continue meeting up as a group and talk over with food. Eating together became a source of intimacy between us, as eating is a way to get together and talk about things. This commune group project has brought us closer than ever. 

Step Away From the Phone!



  • Disconnecting at the dinner table has become a common action since the technology had advanced
  • Since I was a little girl, in my culture, sitting at the dinner table with my family was treated very formally, normally we have to wait for everyone to be at the table to eat and that we are not allowed to have cell phones during the meal. There were more rules such as, finish what you have in your bowl, use a different chopstick for your mouth and a different chopstick for picking vegetables from a dish to another. 
  • Everything changed as an I grew older, as having phones at the table was common, not unless someone was talking to you, but when the awkward silence began everyone dived into their phone. It became a routine and a reflex. 
  • You check your phone when you feel awkward, this is how the human communication became awkward as the years go on. How can we break that?

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/22/fashion/step-away-from-the-phone.html



One of our group members found a very cozy cafe, it was the perfect setting for a day to do commune; it was quiet and the table allowed us to talk face to face. Today we mostly, talked, ate, and relaxed. It has gotten to the point now where the conversation slowly became more about each other talking like friends rather than as classmates, I think this is because we are actually starting to spend our time outside of classes. 

One of the most talked conversations was about health and body, setting goals that motivate each other as a group. All of us decided to start a workout, eating healthy and feeling the best. This group almost became a checkup group, where we updated each other how we are doing without 'goals'. 

Another really interesting topic that came up was how we met each other and how did we become so close, it was such a nice moment as we try and figure out how this group becomes the five of us. We thought a lot about how everything happens for a reason and that we really appreciate having the company of each other, as we decided this should be a weekly thing. 

San Francisco, California, US by David Levene


Homeless people sleep in the pews at St Boniface Catholic church. The church opens its doors every weekday at 6am to allow them to sleep or rest until 3pm as part of the Gubbio project. Its mission is to provide a sacred space and sanctuary for people in need of safe and compassionate respite during the day


  • By putting people in a space together minimizes whatever situation that is going on, and allows people to connect and share the same thing. 

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2016/feb/13/the-20-photographs-of-the-week#img-17

Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria by Nikolay Doychinov


Worshipers pray next to a cross-shaped platform covered with candles placed in jars of honey during a ceremony marking the day of Saint Haralampi, patron saint of bee-keepers


  • I think it is really cool how we can connect to form a community through different places and share different backgrounds, however, by believing in something of the same thing can bring us closer together. 

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2016/feb/13/the-20-photographs-of-the-week#img-17



I have been always extremely intrigued by Mr. IOZO's work, I started out seeing his Instagram name pop up on several other artist's post comments, for example, John Yu Yi. Reaching out to different artists to collaborate. His work is mainly focused on photography, but somehow he brings in different media to explore within photography, his work brings in more dimension to the 2D outcome. 




