Collage Mock Up #2

Text Layout Research


  • After confirming on a collage style we liked for the poster, we wanted to also do something different with the campaign logo's text. This image that we came across that we all really liked, it is handwritten. To fit in the same theme as our poster color, we will be writing them in a blue colored pen. 


Converse Rated One Star: Brockhampton

  • The quality of the video is very interesting, and the way the audio is them talking throughout the film but at times they add different clips. This video also has an extra music playing faintly in the background, noticeable but also not really. 
  • As they are all creative individuals they talk about how they became the artists they are today 
  • Overall, the video is very exciting, fits perfectly with the theme of what they are promoting and most importantly how the shoes make them even cooler. I think that is something we have to show in our film.


Naomi Campbell Meets 10 Rising Female Stars | British Vogue

  • I am trying to analyze how this film is edited and it seems to me that this film is filmed in one go, but there are different cameras capturing the interview in different angles. I really like the effect of how the camera zooms in on the different area throughout the video, we could potentially do that in our video.


  • Should different poses for each image be considered? How will control how they pose during the shoot? 
  • I really love how in this book it continuously shows the same exact pose, almost the same exact person, the same exact background and the same exact tile layout
  • Our original idea was to show a little bit of the edge and not the whole white background when tiling up the images for the layout, however seeing this now I think it is best to keep the whole background the same color if we were to tile it up like this, just because it will overall look very messy. 

Source: EXACTITUDES by Ari Versulis & Ellie Uyttenbroek

M/A Model Research

We want to cast models who are diverse and base on the research, Marques Almeida's model are all very cool and almost with a tomboy style. We want to keep the aesthetic but we also want to cast models who aren't a professional model, but the vibe should be confident and who is a creative individual.   




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Marques Almeida Blue Suit



This is the blue jacket that we got for this project. The jacket itself is extremely tight and heavy, the blue is very eye-catching which could potentially be hard to style because it is such a statement piece. Also when finalizing the model we have to find ways on placing it on to her body and make sure if it fits, as the size is really small.  

LVMH Prize Winners For Young Fashion Designers

Collage Mock up #1

I personally really like collage mock up #1, however, I think the digital collage doesn't really fit in what we had in mind. We looking for more of the hand done collage to go with the font text idea we have. 

Collaging Reference


  • Collaging is a skill that I don't really have especially if it was digital collaging 
  • In the commune week, I have exchanged the skill of collaging and tried to collage by hand, however for this poster I wanted to experiment with digital collaging
  • In this collage, there is a background and the images are built on top of it 


Test Film Edit

I really love the way the film turned out; the sci-fi blue is very eye-catching, the filter is subtle enough. The camera quality was perfect because it was shot on an old canon digital zoom camera, we didn't really have the control over how the video quality will turn out but I end up really liking it, the sound of the zoom and the way the camera made the footage zoom is very raw. 

I really like the way this film is edited, and the use of old camcorder zooming effect, you can kind of tell what she is doing but also at the same time, you can't tell. It has this disco vibe and the models looked very confident in front of the camera



This is an image taken from M/A website, I love the idea of different girls wearing the same shirt but very different ways, and also how the pictures are tiled together.


  • During the tutorial, we were told to look up this photographer, and I love the way he takes his photos. It is very unplanned, almost like it is captured at the moment and I think it will create a very interesting story for the image
  • While the shoot is happening I think playing the correct music is crucial because the models will feel the most comfortable and less awkward 
  • Depending on the location we choose; how would we make the models feel the most comfortable?



2. Juergen Teller Go-Sees

Test Shoot Mock Up

marquesalemdia test poster.jpg

  • As a mockup, I really like the way the overall layout that we wanted. The taken images of the blue jacket are not the best but today in class we were more interested in tiling up and putting the images together 

The models that we cast are all creative individuals, and we think that it fits really well with M'A's 'it girl'. I think through the film or poster we can definitely show off their talent by wearing the blue jacket

I was instantly drawn to this model, because of her vibrant blue hair I think it will be very playful during the shoot with the blue jacket


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Learning to find out that the 'it' girl is very important for their brand, so finding the correct model with the clothing is very important. 
